XD Anime Smiley


heyyo earthlings (:
okey ! let me introduce the people behind this section ,
brrrrrrrrrrrrrrr *drumroll*

tadaaaaaaa ! this is us ! from right is ahmad aminuddin, in the middle is nurul ain and at the left is khaleeda azalea. we are part of M1T4's members ! for this semester our english teacher asked us to figure out what we want to do for our assignment. so after a few proposal presented, all of us agree that our class assignment will be  a blog (: it's kind of fresh idea that none of other classes want to do . so we grab this opportunity and show to other that our class can do better *hopefully*  so, in our blog have 6 different section and for three of us , we have got relationship section *ohmy!* how we want to pour our ideas in this section? okey ! this is our draft , in this section we will divide into three sub-section. first : family and friends *which will handled by ain* second : animals *which handled by khaleeda* and third : society *which handled by amin* . okey ! that is our draft and it might be changed due to our creativity ^^ oh ! and dont forget to read other section also (: so , that it for this entry and catch you later in other entry . adiosssssssssss amigossss !

hello (:

if we talk about relationship, the very first thing that crossed in your mind would be marriage or couple right ? it is not wrong to say like that just it is not exactly true because relationship is universal. it can be our relationship between us with our families members, friends, society and even with the animals. there no such thing that relationship between families members is the most important. as for us, each relationship compliment to another. all of it are important to human's life. we have to think out of the box. relationship with something are beyond of the marriage nor the friendship. relationship is about life. the base of life. basic unit of life. it can be serious matter if we are respect it and it might be a hilarious matter if we doesn't care about it. so, we think that relationship is the serious matter that us can discover more. out of  human cliche perspective. hope all of you will enjoy reading our perspective in relationship . 
okay! it time to take off first. see you again (:

heyoo earthlings (:

Have you been thinking that animal play major role in human life ? as for me, my pets  play huge role In my life. Lets me share to you my story.  As the only child in the family, I have no brother neither sister. I have grown up together with my pets (: now, I have thirthteen cats! *woah! Right ?* the reality is they are my siblings (: it started with my first cat *not mine actually, it’s belong to my mother* named Panda which we owned it when my age is 4 years old. The second cat is named Toby *which my aunt suggest that name*  you know what ? he have tore off my mother answer’s script for SPM. He’s naughty is it ? I know some people didn’t like animals especially cats because of the extraordinary things that they might do such as litter everywhere *crying ;(* but ! actually we can train them to litter at the litter box or even in the toilet. As for my cats, they are brilliant and active cats *my mother give them boiled fish with warm rice everyday* which they will go to the toilet for nature calling (: okay ! proceed to my second cat after Toby, and we gave to him exactly the same name as the previous cat . we love so much that ‘Toby’ name (: next is Star and Princess with compliment  Lady , Duke and Dutchess oh ! and Snowy *my mother always gave the bombastic name to them* and soon we have another kitten named Adek. recently Lady gave birth to four mechevious kittens and my mother gave the name ‘Kakak’, ‘Abang’, Kangoo and ET. I am very surprise when arrived at home recently we have another three new kittens *faint* I know that when you reading this entry most probably you will wondering where is the relationship between human and animals. For my sight view, my relationship with my cats same like my relationship with my family. All my cats are my siblings! It might be irrelevant to some people . Being a single child in family most of the time is wasted by doing nothing! For at least by observing their routine life, it gave me lots of knowledge . beyond everything ! from animals we can learn about love. We can know about nature *my cats usually hunt insect*. And also we can be grateful human because we have brains to do lots of things. I am sorry if you don’t understand my relationship between my pets but they bring huge impact in my life. Because I want to be a veterinarian. last Eid Mubarak, Toby have died. We don’t know what the exact reason. We suspect he have eat poisonous food. All day long I have been cried because I love him so much ! maybe it is the time I have to let him go. Sometimes, my cats like understand my condition at that time. If I am sad they will come to me and cheer me up *by doing their ways* I think that all for this entry. Do comment if you are barely understand about role bring by animals in human life :D  adiosssssssssssss amigossssssss 

oooppsss ! forgot about one thing
here are some of my cat's pictures
hope you will enjoy it (:

                                                     playing with the garlics =.='

                                                                 introducing , Star !

                                                          Dutchess lying in the basket (:

                                                    Duke promoting some of the novels ^^

                                                         Adek one upon a time :)

Star the panthera tigris (:

okay ! see you around (:      

Heyoo earthlings !

It’s me again (: it’s just a short entry from the previous entry *sorry to my teacher because have to read through a long story* this entry is about the irresponsible human’s attitude towards animals. Today, I read an article in newspaper about a horse and a sunny bear in Malacca Zoo died because of poisonous substance found in their food. Most probably the poison is put at the food by somebody. And in the article said that one ex-worker of the zoo is the main suspect. For what ever  reasons, it is unfair to let go the anger to the animals. They just an animal which need to be protected not to be killed ! *shame on this kind of people* before this , there is also another cruel kills by human toward animals. One troop of Pygmy elephants have died according to poison substance found in their digestive tract in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. The authorities believe that whether the elephants have eaten the poisonous fruits in the forest or an irresponsible people have put the poison on the plant which eaten by the elephants. The locals might mad because the troop of elephants disturbing their village. But if we think deeply , it is the elephants disturbing human or the human who actually disturbing the normal habitat of the elephants? We all know the answer. Deforestation made the elephants lost their habitat and force the elephants to go to the village to save their life. Elephants not a thief which steal human’s security . we are actually the real thief which steal their security. I think we should take this as a serious matter because it is for our future generation to learn about natural habitat. The animals not guilty! Humans should be aware about them. They have a right to (: we have to make a good relationship with animals ! if we are cruel to them , they will be cruel to us too ! I think that all from me . see you next time ! adiossss amigosssss !


All right then Now is my turn to turn up the heat Just relaxes don’t push yourself to much Sit down and make yourself comfortable

Let me ask you first Have you been any community services ??? Or did you really know what the meaning of community services is ???
Well I guess there is nothing much to say about community services Community services are where you can help the community depends on your specialty Like what ??? Let say you are having a GOTONG-ROYONG in your school Since you help to clean up the school willingly, that shows you are already had a community services before …
Now let’s talk about my community services Have you heard about VAD (Volunteer Aid Detachment) before ??? Okay just imagine yourself as a BSMM (Malaysian Red Crescent Society) during your primary or high school It’s something like that, but after you had graduate from school Since it is called ‘volunteer’ meaning you can join the duty whenever you want. Like me since I was studying in College Matriculation Perlis ,,, is hard for me to join them on duty. So, only during holidays I will join them for a duty
 Ok, this is meYes I admit it … I’m bald. Satisfied ??? Please don’t focus on my headIf you don’t mind try to focus to the costume that I wear … That is our main uniform with a badge of red crescent Well obviously everyone know about the badge Because you can also search it on the google Am I right ???

Here are some activities during 3rd February 2012 where our duty is held at Sekolah Rendah Kelang Jaya There ,,,  the school having a soccer competition among all school We, as VAD are supposed to keep on eye at them, in case there will be an accident

And here you can see my activities with my partners,,, Sir Syamir and Miss Aida … 

You might also see the kids ,,, Who is pretending to be hurt or sick ... And we are so sick of It … Oh well duty is still a duty  We still need to take care of them 

Al right then. That’s all from me. Thanks for reading and hope you enjoy it. 


Don't walk in front of me,
I may not follow,
Don't walk behind me,
I may not lead,
Walk beside me,
And be my friend,

When I read this quotes , my mind straightly make mental list which all my friend's names . 
Earthlings including me !! absolutely need friends wether we are in hard or ease:)

ME:) honestly say that I can't define the FRIEND:) terms BUT what i know is friends are the person who always be at your side when we need someone to ask help and share our SAD:( and HAPPY:) story <3

    To tell the truth *whispering* , long long ago I am kind of person that dont like to have friends and I'm always thought make friends just cause you TROUBLE:( 

BUT !!!! there is story that I want to tell you all how I change my mind about FRIENDS and admit that friends are very important in our life:)

FIRST AND FOREMOST:) , once upon a time there was a girl named me:) . Okayy , straight to the point !!  Before this , myself prefer to be "lone ranger" :( (to make it short I use LR) . It means that , I prefer not to have friends because at that time , i thought that have friends would only cause you trouble ! 

Fortunately !!!! something bad happened to me:( (the reason I change my mind about friends) 
I caught a BAD fever~~ I pretend not to ask help from anyone . Suddenly !! *drum roll* , a person *same gender* (of course) came to me and ask "Ain , are you okay?".Well ,  to say that i dont like people cared about me so i just pretend to be okay a give an eye signal *wink* (hahaha) . That person , ok i gave her name as Syiqin (not real name) , she carry me to my bed (well , at that time i laid on floor without my favourite toto~) and put wet towel onto my forehead , OMG !! *so sweet* , then she took care of me until I get well even we are not close as best friend (even not talking to each other)

The point I tell this story to all you guys because it tells us that how important friends are (seriousely!) . Even yourself hard to make friends with other , at least , you have one person that can be your friends AND !! at least , you have one person that can be at your side when you are far away from your family so that person *FRIENDS:)* can help you to share SAD:( and HAPPY:) moments !!

It's a beautiful gift
A wonderful gift
That everyone will want to keep

It takes patient
It needs a lot of care
Do not give up on

Friendship <3



hai !

we have carried out a survey and distribute some questionnaire to Perlis Matriculation College students . of course we have make a conclucions according to the results obtained by the survey.

From this graph we can conclude that, most of the students in Perlis Matriculation College tend to share their problems with their mother. 50% of them are more comfortable with their mother. It might due to the motherly touch from mother which make the students comfortable enough to share everything with mother. 35% of the students are tend to share their problems with their sisters. Most probably sister are more understanding and they are good in emotional problems. Mostly female students contribute in this percentage. 9% of the students are comfortable to share the problem with their brother. Mostly male students are tend to share their problem with their brother. Another 6% of the students want to share their problem with their father. It small percentage is due to the time a father spent their time with family. Most of the father are busy as he is the breadwinner  for the family. 

From the graph we can conclude that, majority in Perlis Matriculation College have best friend. From the graph, 85% of the students circled YES in the survey form. It is normal for a person to find a friend. Sometimes we are needed each other. But not all of people like to make a good relationship with friends. They might just be friend to all but doesn’t have the best friend. It is proved because 15% of students said NO in their survey form. Most of the male treat their friends equally unlike the female which have their own list of friend. It is up to individual right to choose the right friend. We can make thousands of friends but to find the true friends are hard.

From the graph we can conclude that, 70% of students from Perlis Matriculation College think community service as interesting things to do. For some activities, it can gain lots of knowledge which make the 20% of the students think this community services is a beneficial things to do. We should manure this helping others attitude since we are little. Hence, the 10% of students which saying community services are wasting time can be prevented

From the graph we can conclude that, 65% of the students in Perlis Matriculation College have participate in community service. For example the Gotong-Royong held in their housing area and also the National Service Programme. Majority of the students have participate the community services during their school time. Indirectly this programme will makes the students more aware about others. 25% of students have never been participate at any community services. It due to illness that some students have. For example the athma which prevent the students to participate from any activities. Another reason is they are lazy to do those things which need them to give a high commitment.

From the graph we can conclude that, 80% students in Perlis Matriculation College loves animals. It can be indicate by the numbers of cat can be found in this college. Everywhere we go in this area we can bump into cat. And the cat are healthy. It showed that most of the students are animal lover. Maybe another 20% students are harsh to the animals not hate them. As long as they are not being cruel to the animals are good enough. Just want to advice several students whose not so loves the animals it not necessary to kick or throw them harshly. Just avoiding them is enough to make us satisfies. 

our task have finished here . we hope that you are enjoyed read our entries. it might be boring sometimes but we are new in this blogging trend. we hope that reader can comment to us any suggestions or questions. your opinion about our section are our big pleasure so we can make it better for next time assignments. 

we want to thank the most important person behind this project, Miss Ainis Aidil Adhha because let us do something compare to other. a big thank you for teacher <3 and for class members thousand thank to you guys because helping each other completing this assignment together (: thank you so much to KMP's students because want to cooperate with us during the survey. thank again to everyone for your support. hope we will meet again in another time ! 
lots of love from us <3 <3 <3 <3



  1. can you please change the colour of the font??
    Its really hard to read...
